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A Look at the 5X5 Program

The 5x5 Program Ascending Ramp Examples

Training, like most things in the universe, tends to follow fads and trends.  Popular programs go out of style and others become the ‘next best thing’.   Sometimes that’s good, sometimes that’s bad.

In recent years, people have gotten fairly fascinated with what is a truly classic program: the 5×5 program.  Since this system happens to be an excellent way of training, this is one of those cases where the fad isn’t a bad thing at all.

In this article I want to look briefly at the history of the 5×5 program as well as at some of the various interpretations that have been used over the years.  One source of confusion comes in that there are so many different ways to interpret 5×5 (depending on the goals and status of the lifter) and just saying that you’re doing “5×5” doesn’t really give all of the details.

So let’s look at the details.… Keep Reading