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What does DOA stand for?

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Rank Abbr.Meaning
DOADead or Alive
DOADead on Arrival
DOADogs on Acid (dance music forum)
DOADivision of Administration
DOADay of Application
DOADepartment Of Agriculture
DOADepartment Of the Army
DOADefective on Arrival
DOADate of Assessment (various locations)
DOADowagiac (Amtrak station code; Dowagiac, MI)
DOADomaine de l'Angoisse (French: Domain of Anguish)
DOADivision of Aviation (various locations)
DOADeutsch Ostafrika (German East Africa, modern Tanzania)
DOADamaged on Arrival (product shipments)
DOADirector of Admissions (various schools)
DOADen of Angels (web forum)
DOADate of Access
DOADistributed Objects and Applications
DOADrug of Abuse
DOADepartment of Aviation
DOADate of Award
DOADepartment of Airports
DOADate of Accident (insurance term)
DOADeath of Autotune (Jay-Z song)
DOADegree of Angle
DOADate of Availability
DOADays of Ammunition
DoADepth of Anesthesia (healthcare)
DOADose of Advice (Internet slang)
DOADisciples of Annihilation (techno band)
DOADelegation Of Authority
DOADepartment on Aging
DOADisposizioni Organizzative Annuali (Italian: Annual Organizational Provisions)
DOADate of Arrival
DOADynamo Open Air
DOADisciples Of Apocalypse (WWF wrestlers)
DOADepartment of Archeology (various locations)
DOADesign Organisation Approval
DOADispatch of Army (gaming)
DOADirector of Administration
DOADriver of Automobile
DOADaily Outlook Afghanistan (news outlook)
DOADefenders of Azeroth (gaming guild)
DOADuration of Action (pharmacology)
DOADelegation Option Authorization
DOADean of Academics (various universities)
DOADaughters of Artemis (gaming)
DOADegree of Actuation (machine science)
DOADécompensation Oedémato-Ascitique (French: Congestive Edema and Ascites)
DOADesired Order of Arrival
DOADutch Occultation Association (astronomy; Roden, Netherlands; est. 1946)
DOADelusions of Adequacy (band)
DOADominant Optic Atrophy (ophthalmology)
DOADenrée d'Origine Animale (French: Food of Animal Origin)
DOADistrict Officers Association
DOADenial of Access
DOADeposit Only Account
DOADawn of Aces (game)
DOADate of Appointment
DOADécouverte des Orgues d'Alsace (French: Discovery of Organs in Alsace)
DOADead-On Alignment
DOADogbert Outplacement Agency (Dilbert)
DOADirect Obligation Authority
DOADaughters of America
DOADemande d'Opérations AFNIC (Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération; French: Request for Operations AFNIC)
DOADictionary of Acronyms
DOADegenerative Osteoarthritis
DOADedicated Otaku Anime (Japanese Animation club; University of Calgary)
DOADegenerate Overclockers Anonymous
DOADate of Applicability
DOADeed of Agreement (contract)
DOADeLorean Owners Association
DOADedicated Outdoor Air (heating/ventilation/air conditioning)
DOADepartment of Administration (Montana)
DOADaughters of Abraham
DOADoor Open Alarm
DOADisciples of Anarchy (gaming)
DOADynamic Obstacle Avoidance
DOADen of Assassins (gaming clan)
DOADenial of Age
DOADepartment of Appeals
DOADesignated Overhaul Activity
DOADynasty of Assassins (gaming)
DOADomination Over Anything
DOADomain Operational Architecture
DOADesignated/Delegated Option Authorization
DOADepartment of Occult Armament (Hyrda)
DOADevils on Asphalt (motorcycle club)
DOADirection Of Arrival
DOADepartment of Accounts

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