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What does PFB stand for?

Acronym Finder has 16 verified definitions for PFB

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Rank Abbr.Meaning
PFBPublic Finance and Budgeting
PFBPasso Fundo Brazil
PFBProvincial Forestry Bureau
PFBPink Fluffy Bunnies
PFBPalestinian Forum in Britain
PFBProgramme for Belize
PFBPro Family Business
PFBPacific Festival of the Book
PFBPrayers for Blowouts
PFBPalm File Browser
PFBPausing for Breath
PFBPatient Focussed Booking
PFBPortuguese Flying Bullets
PFBPlantar Fascia Bridge
PFBParatect Flex Bolus
PFBpectoral fin bud
PFBpediatric flexible bronchoscopy
PFBpersistent fetal bradycardia
PFBpopliteal fossa block
PFBPortland Fire Bureau
PFBposterior fossa boost
PFBproblematic feeding behavior
PFBPink Fluffy Bunnie
PFBPaper Fibre Biosolids
PFBPolyphase Filter Bank
PFBPro Formula Brite
PFBPhysics of Fluids B
PFBPerfect for Bumps
PFBPolyphase Filter Banks
PFBPico Fermi Bagels
PFBPlate Frame Bogies
PFBProcurement Fraud Branch
PFBPetition for Benefits
PFBPrime Forex Bureau
PFBProfessional Fighting Brigade
PFBProgram for Belize
PFBProcurement and Facilities Branch
PFBPublic Facility Bonds
PFBPeter Fenger Builders
PFBPhil the Fluters Ball
PFBPatient Friendly Billing
PFBPublic Finance Bhd
PFBPacific Fishery Biologists
PFBPer Foot of Body
PFBPressurized Fluid Bed
PFBPrint Font Binary
PFBPaul Finkenrath of Berlin
PFBPinder Fry Benjamin
PFBPomona First Baptist
PFBPoultry Feed Building
PFBProvisional Frequency Board
PFBPublicly Funded Broadcasters
PFBPassion for Birth
PFBPaYload Forward Bus
PFBPioneer Family Brands
PFBPressure Fed Booster
PFBPennsylvania Fish and Boat
PFBPrototype Fast Breeder
PFBPardon For Butting
PFBPennsylvania Fish and Boats
PFBPhiladelphia Fantasy Baseball
PFBPig Footed Bandicoot
PFBPlace Felix Baret
PFBPlan For Backfilling
PFBPresidential Forum Banner