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Mean  No comments yet

To dream that someone is mean to you indicates that you are afraid of what that person thinks of you. In the dream, your mind is exaggerating to the worst possible scenario in order to prepare you for a confrontation that you worry may be in your future.
Alternatively, the one who is mean to you in your dream might be yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself in your daily life.

Yes  No comments yet

To dream of 'yes' is simply that, an emphatic 'yes' from the universe. Be sure to check the dream for alternatives in relation to aspects and environment.

Dreaming that you feel terrible emotionally while everyone is saying 'yes' may be implying that there is emotional clearing to be done before proceeding in a positive fashion.

Rust  No comments yet

To dream of rust forming on iron or tin implies that you need to take better care of yourself, another person, or a certain possession. It also represents the progression towards the end of life. This dream may symbolize a negative environment which includes loss of wealth or untrue peers.

Vise  No comments yet

To dream of using or seeing a vise indicates boundaries in your waking life. Something is making you feel trapped. You are concerned by your inability to openly discuss your feelings and opinions.

West  No comments yet

To dream of heading west is a physical representation of opportunities in your near future. You will have the chance to fulfill your dreams or desires.

Conversely, heading west may foreshadow something more ominous. The end of a cherished relationship or a death may be in your future.

Hour  No comments yet

Time is uncontrollable. Time cannot be restored or regained, which is why anxiety always accompanies time.

To dream about the hour reminds you of an important date or time. Consider the particular hour of the day and look up the interpretation of that number for additional significance.

To dream about happy hour represents leisure and enjoyment. Alternatively, it may indicate an avoidance of problems.

Organ  No comments yet

To dream of hearing majestic anthems from an organ represents long-term friendships and stable fate.

To notice an organ in a church suggests the unfortunate parting of families.

To dream that you are playing an organ bodes of luck coming upon you. Your dream about the organ may also signify social prestige coming your way.

Robot  No comments yet

To dream of a robot suggests a structured, repetitious, mechanical, and unemotional way of going about your life. You might have failed to inject some energy in your life.

Alternatively, a dream involving robots may be a manifestation of your perception regarding your working life.

Truck  No comments yet

To dream of a truck denotes that you are overworked. You may be asking for too many responsibilities. On a related matter, pregnant women are reported to dream of trucks or driving trucks often. This may represent the load they are carrying in their wombs, or their changing physical appearance.

Cheap  No comments yet

To dream that you or someone is cheap implies that you see yourself as inferior and worthless. You need to realize that you do have the potential to develop your strengths and talents.

To dream that you got something at a cheap price means that someone isn't giving you the credit you deserve. Perhaps you are being dishonest with someone. Pay attention to the item and what emotions it stirs in you.

Ladder  No comments yet

To dream of climbing a ladder symbolizes a step up in terms of accomplishments and greater consciousness. It also refers to wealth, hard work, and effort. A ladder may likewise suggest that you evaluate and observe situations from a different angle. Alternatively, it symbolizes contemplation and prayer. You are reaching greater heights in reference to your spirituality. The ladder may also represent 'climbing a social ladder' in which you rise to a level of greater influence and power.

To go down a ladder in your dream indicates that you are avoiding your spiritual responsibilities. It denotes frustrations.

To dream that someone is holding a ladder for you symbolizes the significance of other people's help in your rise to prominence and success.

To fall from a ladder represents the difficulties, risks, or disappointments in your endeavors.

To notice a broken ladder refers to a chain of unfortunate incidents in your dealings. You are not confident in your ability to reach your objectives.

To dream that you used a ladder to escape suggests an accomplishment of your goals despite seemingly unending obstacles.