PiAware software – Installation on the RPi

INSTALLING FlightAware software:

Here, there is an alternative to feed data to different websites through the Internet with your Raspberry Pi using the dump1090 software (How to install dump1090). The FlightAware website is a Live flight tracking system for all users of the Internet.  in order to get a more detailed overview here is the definition of FlightAware website: PiAware is a FlightAware client program that runs on a Raspberry Pi to securely transmit dump1090 ADS-B and Mode S data to FlightAware. PiAware is for people who are already running their own Raspberry Pi with an ADS-B receiver and dump1090.

Its software, as previously described, is called PiAware and can be easily installed in your Raspberry Pi following the steps below.

Linux version of the software:

I am assuming dump1090 is correctly installed in your Raspberry Pi.

First of all just to get the file downloaded in our system:

wget http://es.flightaware.com/adsb/piaware/files/piaware_1.18-2_armhf.deb(to the folder where you want to save the program)

After the donwload of the file, you only have to install it:

sudo dpkg -i piaware_1.18-2_armhf.deb

Some missing dependencies can be acknowledged. But to solve this just use the next command:

sudo apt-get install -fy

Then enable the automatic software updates:

sudo piaware-config -autoUpdate 1 -manualUpdate 1

Change both numbers of the command above to 0, in case, you want the default options to be set up.

After all this, you already have got the software installed. Now, to manage the configuration and other options it is better to go to the FlightAware website and open an account. In order to do that, click on this link. Here you can see the brakthroughs and drawbacks of opening a premium account. That’s up on all you.

An interesting registered feature, within the normal account (without paying anything, not related with the premium account), is the aviation news and newsletter updates available.

Finally, configure your account by using:

sudo piaware-config -user <username> -password

And at the end, you only need to start the software:

sudo /etc/init.d/piaware restart

It is important to remark that no automatic booting option is available yet for this software when Raspberry Pi boots, but it is remarked on the website that this will be quickly solved.

The PiAware code can be downloaded and checked on Github as well.

Another aspect to take into account of FlightAware is the amazing source of photographies beloved by any aeronautical fan like me.


This post is mainly a recommendation as it is perfectly described how to install the software on their website.

Some interesting screenshots to see how the website looks like:

FlightAware1 FlightAware2

2 pensaments sobre “PiAware software – Installation on the RPi

  1. Hey Ferran,

    Amazing work with the Rpi. We thought you might be interested in checking out Erle-Brain, a BBB (open hardware)-based autopilot for creating drones.

    Cheers from Spain ;)!

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