Back from the 2014 Cannes festival:

the film festivals story continues!

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Make a donation and share the project with people around you.

(see below)

The movie is now available! It's a 76-minute story of children's games during break time in a school

located in Liege, Belgium. The film was shot camera in hand over the school year 2012-2013.

A short version called "DA VOIZ (Playground Style)" is also available

and was selected at the SHORT FILM CORNER of the 2014 Cannes festival!

This selection gave me the opportunity to attend the festival

and meet with various buyers and distributors.

I need your helping hand to carry on the adventure and attend further film festivals.

Thanks in advance for your donations and don't hesitate

to share this information with your entourage.

(Link to pictures of the movie.)

Excerpt from a review received by e-mail about the movie: full text here.

"Bodies in motion or at rest, voices and faces, shouts and chants, beauty of colors (clothing, accessories, hair, bags, briefcases, balloons...), games of lines and perspectives (buildings, playground fences, wall paintings), everything converges to make this film a symphony of sounds, lights and movements.

But more than a stylistic composition, the movie is a tribute to childhood,

in its most inventive and cheerful aspects."

                                                                    For the APED, Patrick Lombard and Paul Wernerus.


Elongo Mbafumoya-Tchomba

Tony Di Napoli

Maria Giulana

Ali Acer

Eric Tilman

Muabilayi - Denis Mpunga

Marianne Decortis

Serge Maréchal

Dorothée Lambinon

Antonios Katsimbourdas

Xenofodas Catsipourdas

Marie-Thérèse & Frédéric Marly

Bouli Lanners

Jo Mauceli

Luc Mulleneers

Florence Jans

Philippe Thimister

Muriel Zanardi

Lætitia Reynders

Renaud Clockeur

Étienne Kinet

Paul Mahoux

Pierre-Paul Missigaro

Alain De Clerck

Daniel Linotte

Pierre Marly

Pascale Bonfond

Nadia Zakalnyckij

Thierry Delcourt

Thierry Habran

Françoise Fanfan Latour

Hughes Warin

Lou’s Bar Liège

Pita Chez Murat

ABC Cinéma asbl

New Edge Concept

Restaurant Chez Tasso


les personnes anonymes

as well as friends

of the project:

Jean-Paul Brilmaker

Pierre Grisar

Vincent Cotteleer

Pierre Marly

Jamila Ben Chaïb Ali

Benoît Dervaux

Patrice Mélon

Vincent Palmus

Anne De Clerck

Fabrice Goedons

Patrick Alen

Terry Cokaiko

Christelle Desitter

Olivier Dortu

Stéphane Hénocque

Marine Serra

Espace 7
La Halte

special thanks:

SMart Foundation
Monsieur Jurowicz
Monsieur Graceffa
Madame Wouters

Les Grignoux asbl

Get involved!

You can help in the completion

of our new project


by making a donation

of 25 euros (for an individual)

or 50 euros (for a family)

or more…


Here is a PDF version of the agreement to print,

fill-in, sign-off,

and return to us

with all required information.


Please return it to:

Or by mail to:

Frédéricq Bianchet

en Neuvice 13

B - 4000 Liège

You can also directly make a donation to the following account:

Frédéricq Bianchet


IBAN BE71 0682 4716 9969

with the following communication
‘‘Donation to the movie KIP’’.

Thanks for your support



Les films du projectionniste

Frédéricq Bianchet

en Neuvice 13

B - 4000 Liège

+32 (0)486 / 843 048

Productions associées asbl/08928

Les films du projectionniste

rue Émile Féron 70

B - 1060 Bruxelles

VAT: BE 0896.755.397

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