Programming, Motherfucker:

The Book

I'm beginning to form a book of rants and essays about programming and I need your help. I believe I am in a unique position to create a book that lays out all the ways programming is fucked up as a profession, and I'd like to do the subject justice.

I'm looking for dirt, stories, anecdotes, and general gripes about your time as a programmer, or non-programmer working in a technology company.

Were you treated like shit because you were a woman? Were you fired for your age or because of a disability? Did you work for some freak with 20 "secretaries" that are really his live-in prostitutes? Were you fired because someone at Techcrunch (allegedly) told the CEO to fire you? Were you swindled, conned, burned out, abused or insulted and hate being a programmer now? Are you tired of the brogrammers, the devops douchebags, and the endless cycle of stupid followers following stupid manipulators into the abyss of coding stupidity? Do you know about backroom deals between companies and/or open source projects?

Well, I've got lots of dirt, but I need more.

You should email and tell me your story. Be as anonymous as you want, and I will never reveal my sources. I will anonymize anything I write about and rewrite it in my own voice. I have to or I'll get sued.

Thank you.

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