Academic Technology Archives

A band performs in the San Francisco State quad for a mixed group of spectators.

Welcome to SF State's DIVA

What is DIVA?

DIVA is an open digital collections archive built and managed by Academic Technology at San Francisco State University. It combines unique media, scholarly materials, and hidden treasures from the campus’s historic local impact. From original materials from the 1968 Student Strike to thousands of videos from the Bay Area Television Archive to poetry readings from the world-class Poetry Center, DIVA collections illustrate the campus commitment to social justice and our place in the San Francisco Bay Area community.

DIVA is built and managed by Academic Technology and makes it easy for faculty or groups to establish digital collections accessible to colleagues, students, or the world. Its unique design supports all types of digital formats with a specific emphasis on support for audio and video-based media.

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Discover the diverse resources across DIVA’s multi-disciplinary collections

SF State continues to expand these collections through collaboration with members of the campus and broader San Francisco Bay Area community.

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Browse Collections

Academic Technology Archive

This collection consists of photographs taken by the former Audio-Visual/Instructional Television Center (AV/ITV), now Academic Technology, at San Francisco State University throughout the 20th...

Ayse Pamuk International Affordable Housing Image Collection

Ayse Pamuk is a professor of Urban Studies and Planning and Founding Director of the PACE Applied Housing...

Bay Area Television Archive

Established in 1981, the TV Archive preserves 6000 hours of newsfilm, documentaries and other TV media produced in the Bay Area and Northern California between 1950-2000. We are a part of the J....

Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies

The Iranian-American Digital Archive Project is a digital collection of material (photos, documents, letters, etc.) that documents the history of Iranian Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area....

Classics Department Lindgren Coin Collection

This collection consists of almost 3000 ancient Greek and Roman coins, mostly bronze but also some silver, donated to the Department of Classics over a period of almost 40 years by Henry Clay...

College of Ethnic Studies

The College of Ethnic Studies was established in Fall 1969 through the efforts of a number of dedicated students, faculty and community members. The four departments -Asian American Studies,...

Earth - A Work in Progress

The Earth provides a visual feast and its study is the realm of Geology. The images in this collection were taken on numerous field trips, research projects and excursions to a great...

Frank V. de Bellis Audio Collection

This collection houses a sampling of audio files as well as transcripts from Frank de Bellis’s radio program called Music of the Italian Masters.

Frank V. de Bellis (November...

Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907

On April 18, 1906, the San Francisco, California Board of Education segregated all students of Japanese descent to "The Oriental Public School for Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans."...

GLBT Historical Society

Founded in 1985, the GLBT Historical Society collects, preserves, exhibits and makes accessible to the public materials and knowledge to support and promote understanding of LGBTQ history,...

Global Museum

The Global Museum at SF State is a place in which to appreciate the power of diverse communities in a globally connected world. Collections range from ancient to contemporary and include...

Humanities and Matthew Evans Resource Room

The Matthew Evans Resources Room is a visual resources center in the College of Liberal and Creative Arts.

K. Patricia Cross: Speeches from 1963 through 2001

This archive contains 250 speeches by Dr. K. Patricia Cross and seven Cross papers commissioned by the League for Innovation in the Community College.  The speeches are organized by...

Mahmoud Zoufonoun Collection

Mahmoud Zoufonoun (Jan 1st, 1920 - Oct 17th, 2013) held an unparalled position in 20th century Persian traditional music, for he not only was a major figure on violin and tar during the golden...

Max Kirkeberg Collection

For the past 50 years, Professor Emeritus Max Kirkeberg has documented the urban geography of the the San Francisco Bay Area in almost 60,000 slides.  Kirkeberg arrived...

Ned Levine Photographic Collection of Housing and Population

Ned Levine is an urban researcher who lives in Houston, Texas, with more than 50 years in academia and professional practice.  Research interests include housing development, particularly...

Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability Collection

This collection is comprised of oral history interviews conducted for the multimedia historical exhibit “Patient No More:...

Poetry Center Digital Archive

Original audio and video recordings from 1954 to the present from The Poetry Center's American Poetry Archives collection.

San Francisco State University's Podcast Studio

A collection of individual podcasts produced by San Francisco State University departments and programs. This collection features current and popular podcasts and department collections...

SF State College Strike Collection

During 1968-1969, San Francisco State College was a focus for national attention as the campus erupted in turmoil. Initially students threatened to strike to stop the College's...

SFSU Photographic Timeline Project

The SFSU Photographic Timeline Collection is a collaborative effort between the University Archives, the Associated Students, and DIVA to surface images of student life and activities at San...

Social Science Research and Instructional Center

The California State University Social Science Research and Instructional Center provides:

  • Support for CSU student, faculty, and staff users of subscription data bases from the

The African Times

Independently published newspaper covering topics of interest to Anglophone African and Anglo-African populations in Britain, the British Empire, and West Africa.