Do those images belong to you?

No, we take images from the internet and reblog them in a different form, in this case as a sweater. If anyone would like their image or work removed from our blog e-mail us at get@revolutionriche.com and we will gladly take it down.

Are your sweaters for sale?

No not yet we are currently working on the business behind the scenes to be able to start selling them. When they are for sale they will not be the exact sweaters you see up now.

Where can I get the “______” sweater?

The sweaters the we are using have copyrighted images on them that we do not have the rights to. Some of the ones will be on sale plus a slew of other new original designs are to come.

Do you take submissions?

Yes, but we are being selective on the ones that we pick to be put up. However, keep submitting your ideas just please be tasteful we the pictures you send in.

How can i contact you?

You can contact us by sending an email to get@revolutionriche.com.

Will you ship internationally?

Yes, but we do reserve the right to not ship to certain countries.

Are you guys the “real deal”?

Yes, we are incorporated and have all the required paperwork to  own and run a business.

Will your sweaters and shirts be printed all over.

Maybe, but keep in mind printing a sweater all over is extremely expensive. We did a poll to determine how much people would be willing to pay and they said under $50. In order to print sweaters all over with copyrighted images we would have to charge you guys $100+ we will eventually do limited release of all over print sweaters. We will start off with quality sweaters with a large print first.

Who are you guys?

Hollywood & Jess

What are your personal blogs?

Hollywood - http://blog.revolutionriche.com

Jessica - http://snobarazzi.tumblr.com