
WATCH | How duo was inspired to run the Comrades

Matanzima (52), Netshituka (55) run their first race on Sunday

Despite health complications that threatened to derail his running plans a a former University of KwaZulu-Natal academic will line up for his 44th Comrades on Sunday.

Large parts of Pretoria West were hit by a power outage after the switch gear room of an old decommissioned power station in Proclamation Hill caught alight on Friday night.

Major parties' views on some key policies Major parties' views on some key policies

With power brokering for a national coalition government in full swing, we look at how much SA’s four major political ...

THEMBA SEPOTOKELE | Crucifying ...

COLUMN | Renowned and revered scholar-cum-politician Enoch Powell once observed that: “For a politician to complain ...

LARISSE PRINSEN | NHI Act needs a money ...

COLUMN | The NHI Act may be constitutionally challenged on various grounds. To start with, there are concerns regarding ...

READER LETTER | Coalition to take down ...

READER LETTER | SA cannot be held to ransom by an ex-convict, a cult leader. What kind of “leader” instigates his ...

READER LETTER | ANC had 30 years to avoid ...

READER LETTER | By the look of things, any further breakaway from the ANC will hand the country back to the DA in the ...