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.st1{display:none}FOOT CARE TIPS

Soapy Soles Massaging Foot Scrubbers

Soapy Soles Foot Scrubbers are the easiest, fastest and cleanest way to save your soles. Just add a dab of liquid soap, then shuffle each foot on the scrubber daily for soft and smooth feet.

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Foot Aromatherapy Recipes That Really Work!

Here are some recommendations from a book by Valerie Gennari Cooksley, a certified aromatherapist and author, regarding aromatherapy and the feet. Her book is called ‘Aromatherapy: A Lifetime Guide To Healing With Essential Oils’ and I highly recommend it!

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.st1{display:none}COOL SHOES & SOCKS

.st1{display:none}FUN FOOT STUFF