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What does XXX stand for?

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Rank Abbr.Meaning
XXXCorps (Graphical Representation/Army)
XXXTurkey (3 consecutive strikes in bowling)
XXXFlour (commercial grade)
XXXPAN PAN (logging abbreviation)
XXXAdult film rating
XXXTriple X Syndrome (disorder)
XXXTriple X (Wrestling Tag Team)
XXXNo currency transactions (ISO code; lack of trade)
XXXStraightedge (slang for no beer, no drugs, no promiscuous sex)
XXX150 Proof (alcoholic beverages)
XXXExtra Strong Mint (UK and Ireland)
XXXThree X Level of decontamination
XXXInternet Top-Level Domain Name for Adult Sites

Note: We have 6 other definitions for XXX in our Acronym Attic

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