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Schools have become “soft” targets for violence and we know steps need to be taken to respond to violent events and emergencies beyond passive laws. Although it is not legal to carry the proper tools in public schools, programs like this are creating a base of people who will be prepared to defend and protect the innocent in case of an emergency. They will be ready when the legislature decides to legalize the tools and actions necessary to do so.

But what should you do? How will you do it? Who can help you with planning, training, and implementation?


The C-SAEF program is a complete, proven ready-to-go solution.

Created by concerned parents, law enforcement, and nationally-recognized safety and medical experts, C-SAEF is a groundbreaking, nonprofit program that gives educators practical violence response training. Classes are provided at NO COST to your school district.

How the C-SAEF Program Works

Each school selects volunteer staff members who are willing, competent, and capable of acting during a crisis. Experts on school violence provide training to these volunteers in armed response, crisis management, and emergency medical aid.

The C-SAEF program pays for tuition and lodging, while local school boards authorize these trained staff members to carry firearms in school.

• NO-COST TRAINING – This is a nonprofit program in Colorado that is coordinating with Buckeye Firearms Foundation. It is a 501(c)(4) public charity and there is no cost to your school district. Since 2013, thousands of Ohio educators have applied for this specialized training and with its success in Ohio, it is now time to bring these lessons and training to Colorado.

• COMPREHENSIVE PREPARATION – Training also includes crisis management and hands-on emergency medical training for life-threatening injury.

• ON-CALL ASSISTANCE – Program experts can meet with school board members at no cost to answer questions and provide assistance for policies and procedures, insurance issues, legal and union concerns, and local police / EMT drills and coordination.


The above video is from the FASTER program in Ohio. This is the SAME training we are bringing to Colorado. 





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