Onda Sonora’s monthly hour-long alternative to a Sunday afternoon of sports. Bringing you a selection of music that’s offside to what’s hip and happening. Best enjoyed with a fine beer. Ideally together with them in front of Kiosk.
Our weekly radio show, every tuesday from 21h till 22h, on air on BRUZZ since 2008. Across the board selection of whatever crosses our paths, enjoyed with a weekly craft beer discovery.
Everything we can’t share through our radio shows or gigs we put on this website. What’s on heavy rotation, beers we discovered, playlists wev’ compiled, finds we can’t keep to ourselves, … .



We have built our own portable high end sound system. Because dragging crates of vinyl to every gig wasn’t inconvenient enough. The added weight is quickly forgotten though when you can avoid a crappy sound, an half-broken system and play sets the way you want them. We are eager to share the experience with everyone so if you see an opportunity to bring it out, let us know.
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