
Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.92 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9200394
AED 3.67519 JPY 155.697
ARS 886.759 KRW 1354.4
AUD 1.4937 MAD 9.95602
BRL 5.10566 MXN 16.6094
CAD 1.3612 NOK 10.6816
CHF 0.908718 NZD 1.62987
CNY 7.0947 PHP 57.7131
CZK 22.7172 PLN 3.9198
DKK 6.86471 RUB 91.0025
EUR 0.920039 SEK 10.7131
GBP 0.787264 SGD 1.34494
HKD 7.80757 THB 36.1033
HUF 356.164 TRY 32.2659
ILS 3.70693 USD 1
INR 83.305 ZAR 18.1696
BHD 0.377216 MYR 4.66902
BOB 6.89018 NAD 18.2439
CLP 893.242 NGN 1469.83
COP 3816.42 NPR 132.943
DOP 58.668 OMR 0.385128
EGP 46.9202 PAB 0.997139
IDR 15946.7 PEN 3.73003
IRR 42074 PKR 278.665
ISK 138.28 RON 4.5772
JMD 155.615 SAR 3.75201
JOD 0.709258 TWD 32.1685
KES 130.13 UAH 39.3468
KWD 0.307312 UYU 38.8093
LBP 89296.8 VES 36.5867
LKR 299.65 VND 25456.3
AWG 1.80292 MGA 4442.69
BAM 1.79941 MKD 56.6836
BBD 2.01341 MUR 45.864
BDT 116.771 MVR 15.467
BGN 1.7995 PYG 7471.64
BMD 1.0027 QAR 3.63651
BSD 0.997231 RSD 107.774
BWP 13.5119 SCR 13.8208
FJD 2.22852 TND 3.11185
GHS 14.2597 TTD 6.77149
GMD 67.9001 UGX 3759.28
GTQ 7.76909 XAF 603.506
KHR 4066.57 XCD 2.70323
LAK 21284.2 XOF 603.469
MDL 17.6237 XPF 110.376
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  5. Mexican Peso - MXN
  6. Colombian Peso - COP
  7. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  8. Japanese Yen - JPY
  9. Philippine Peso - PHP
  10. Chinese Yuan - CNY