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Graphene has moved out of the laboratory and into the market thanks in no small part to the EU, according to Professor Patrik Johansson.
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Researchers on a mission
Researchers on a mission
The EU is on a mission with researchers to protect our planet and society. By helping researchers discover new ways to improve people’s lives, and to protect us from climate change and global health shocks, the EU is building a better future for all of us.

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EU researchers are seeking to ensure that more medicines in Europe are tailored to children. © Aquarius Studio,
EU researchers are accelerating the development of new treatments for children and other vulnerable groups.
Firefighting foam is among the many sources of toxins being tackled by EU research. © ChiccoDodiFC,
Researchers are testing ways to remove “forever chemicals” from the environment and replace them in some commercial goods.

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New power cables in Europe to make energy cheaper and more sustainable
30 May 2024
Bolstering Europe’s democracies from the grassroots
28 May 2024

Past articles

Greater gender diversity is needed to advance European research, according to a leading Spanish member of the European Parliament.
EU researchers are taking fresh approaches to understanding a growing group of illnesses in a bid for more effective treatments.
Research into how the human brain stores information could lead to treatments for people who struggle with everyday tasks.
Farmers, companies and consumers are all helping spur improvements in EU agricultural production and diets.
Researchers are turning to two crops to tackle the environmental harm of apparel made with synthetic fibres.
Automation will play a growing role in people’s lives and Europe has the know-how to lead the way, according to a top Italian researcher.
More effective treatments for snakebites that afflict millions of people worldwide every year are emerging from EU research.
A new generation of batteries may bolster the EU’s green ambitions.
The inauguration of the world’s most powerful fusion machine brings the dream of clean, safe and abundant power closer.
European researchers are pioneering a vaccine and treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
EU researchers are helping policymakers reconcile competing demands in a region full of natural resources, beauty and tradition.
Waste from the production of aluminium, nickel and other industrial materials offers the EU an opportunity to advance its recycling goals.
EU researchers are coming up with advanced technologies to spot early signs of fatigue and erratic behaviour in people behind the wheel.
Tapping into the long and rich histories of places around Europe is a central part of an EU push for rural and urban revival.
A group of European urban areas bordering seas and rivers is paving the way for climate neutrality by 2030.
Faster detection and less invasive surgery offer hopes of advances against a leading fatal disease in Europe.
Andrea Stephany Diaz founded a startup to improve lung-cancer diagnosis after participating in a 2022 European event for young researchers.
Scientists are closing in on a pain-free method for people with type 1 diabetes to control it.
EU research, which has improved society and the economy for decades, now needs to engage more young people and attract extra public and private investments, according to Professor Manuel Heitor.
New materials and designs can make a leading source of renewable energy both greener and cheaper.
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